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17 posts tagged with "release"

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· 10 min read
Marek Fořt
Thibault Malbranche
Hur Ali
Luna Wei
Alex Hunt

Today we're releasing React Native 0.73! This release adds improvements to debugging with Hermes, stable symlink support, Android 14 support, and new experimental features. We are also deprecating legacy debugging features, and are releasing the next pillar of the New Architecture: Bridgeless Mode!


Breaking Changes

· 6 min read
Lorenzo Sciandra
Marek Fořt
Riccardo Cipolleschi
Luna Wei

Today we’re releasing 0.72!

This release adds highly requested features for Metro, better error handling, and other developer experience improvements. So much of this work was prioritized from your feedback on the 2022 community survey -- thank you to all those that participated!


Breaking Changes

· 11 min read
Matt Carroll
Nick Gerleman
Nicola Corti
Lorenzo Sciandra

Today we’re releasing React Native version 0.71! This is a feature-packed release including:

In this post we’ll cover some of the highlights of 0.71.

· 5 min read
Dmytro Rykun
Thibault Malbranche
Nicola Corti
Lorenzo Sciandra

We are excited to release a new version of React Native, 0.70.0. This version comes with several improvements like a new unified configuration for Codegen, Hermes as default engine, and full CMake support for Android builds along with a refresh of the documentation for the New Architecture. Read on to learn more!


· 5 min read
Michael Leon

Last October, we announced that we had started work towards making Hermes the default engine for all React Native apps.

Hermes has provided a lot of value to React Native inside of Meta, and we believe the open-source community will benefit as well. Hermes is designed for resource constrained devices and optimizes for start up, app size, and memory consumption. One key difference between Hermes and other JS engines is its ability to compile JavaScript source code to bytecode ahead of time. This precompiled bytecode is bundled inside the binary, and saves the interpreter from having to perform this expensive step during app startup.

Since the announcement, a lot of work has gone into making Hermes better, and today, we are excited to share that React Native 0.70 will ship with Hermes as the default engine. This means that all new projects starting on v0.70 will have Hermes enabled by default. With the rollout coming up in July, we want to work closely with the community and make sure the transition is smooth and brings value to all users. This blogpost will go over what you can expect from the change, performance benchmarks, new features, and more. Note that you don’t need to wait for React Native 0.70 to start using Hermes - you can follow these instructions to enable Hermes on your existing React Native app.

Note that while Hermes will be enabled by default in new React Native projects, support for other engines will continue.

· 3 min read
Luna Wei

Today we’re releasing React Native version 0.65 with a new version of Hermes, improvements to accessibility, package upgrades, and more.

What's new in Hermes 0.8?

Hermes, Facebook’s open source JavaScript VM optimized for React Native, has been upgraded to version 0.8.1. Some of the stand-out features in this release are:

You can find the full Hermes changelog here.

Follow steps here to opt-in your app to Hermes if you haven’t already to leverage these new features and gains!

Accessibility Fixes and Additions

Last year Facebook took the GAAD pledge to improve accessibility within React Native. 0.65 shares the results of this pledge and other accessibility wins! Some notable changes include:

  • Allow specification of high contrast light and dark values for iOS. See documentation for more details.
  • Added getRecommendedTimeoutMillis API on Android. This exposes a user’s preferred default timeout value as set in Android’s accessibility options and is for users who may need extra time to review or reach controls, etc.
  • General fixes to ensure TalkBack/VoiceOver properly announce UI states such as disabled and unselected on components.

You can follow along or contribute to our outstanding accessibility issues here!

Notable Dependency Version Updates and Gotchas

  • react-native-codegen version 0.0.7 is now needed as a devDependency in the package.json.
  • JCenter has been sunsetted and read-only now. We have removed JCenter as a maven repository and updated dependencies to use MavenCentral and Jitpack.
  • Upgraded OkHttp from v3 to v4.9.1. See Upgrading to OkHttp 4 for more details on changes.
  • Upgraded to Flipper 0.93 to support Xcode 12.5. See Flipper changelog here.
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7 support
  • Apple Silicon requires a linker workaround. See @mikehardy’s note about this.

Thank You!

This release includes over 1100 commits from 61 contributors. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and supported this release! You can find the full changelog here.